Big Promise = Big Results

Have you articulated or written your big promise? All great brands have a big promise attached to it. If you don't have one written, you're missing out on two tremendous opportunities:

1. A big promise is a powerful way to connect to your customers.

2. A big promise is an equally powerful way to keep you consistent over time because your big promise becomes the centerpiece for your storytelling.

The big promise consists of 4 essential elements:

1. Articulate the desired end result: This is what your customers want more than anything else from you.

2. Identify the barriers: So what is the action that they need to take, but they're not taking it because they don't know how to take it? With these two elements, your big promise is 80% there. The last two elements are going to help elevate your big promise to the next level.

3. Timing: When are your customers going to get the desired end result? The quicker the better.

4. Eliminate excuses: This is about relating to your customers with what's blocking them inside from doing anything at all.

I used this 4-part template for the big promise for the title on my webinar. It has each component baked in. See if you can identify them: How to break free from your draining job and finally pursue the work you dreamed of in as little as four weeks, even if that feels impossible right now. If you can write your big promise, big results are sure to follow.

The content for this post was inspired by this article:


3 Ways to Spark a Brand Breakout


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